1. This won't last forever.
Things will get better, even when it seems like they never will. I've found that's just how life works: things are bad sometimes, and other times they're good. You just have to wait for the good.
2. You can still choose optimism.
Kind of like "fake it 'til you make it", thinking optimistically is a skill you can build even when you're depressed. When the depressed and pessimistic thoughts start creeping in, telling you things like "this situation is going to end horribly" or "I'll never succeed", combat them with clear statements like "this situation might or might not end badly, but even if it does, I can recover from it."
3. Your depressed thoughts stem from feelings, not facts.
Thoughts like like "I'm worthless" or "I'm stupid" definitely aren't fact, and they stem directly from your depression. Combat these thoughts with the opposite statement: "I'm worthy" or "I'm smart".
4. You aren't a bad person
No matter what your guilt and shame tell you, you aren't a bad person. You might make mistakes, but everyone does, and that certainly doesn't make you an awful person.
5. Some days, getting out of bed is enough.
Depression can make everything, even seemingly simple tasks like taking a shower, seem impossible. Picking one or two things to do for the day, like get out of bed and out of your pajamas, can be a great starting place.
6. It's not cowardly to seek help, it's courageous.
It makes you vulnerable, which is a very uncomfortable feeling. But if you push through that vulnerability, the rewards can be immense.
7. You are loved.
Even when you don't feel like it's true or like you're worthy of it, someone in your life cares about you.
8. You are not alone.
Millions of others suffer from the same depression or bipolar disorder or other mental illness you're dealing with. Find a support group or even just a single person who's going through what you're going through and talk to them about it.